All the misfortunes of a person in their later years have been brewing since the age of 35

Life is like an unpredictable script, and we often learn and grow in the flow of time.However, some people do not realize when they are young that those seemingly distant misfortunes actually start quietly brewing as early as their middle age, even at the age of 35

Life is like an unpredictable script, and we often learn and grow in the flow of time.

However, some people do not realize when they are young that those seemingly distant misfortunes actually start quietly brewing as early as their middle age, even at the age of 35.

In this world, there are always things that we cannot control, such as the passage of time and the impermanence of life.

Neglecting health leads to gradual breakdown of the body

When we were young, we often neglected our physical health in order to strive for our careers. However, health is the cornerstone that supports us to complete our lives. If we neglect the maintenance of our body at this stage, then as we age, our physical problems will gradually increase.

Imagine a person experiencing various health problems after the age of 35.

After waking up every morning, he needs to rely on medication to control his blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate. Gradually, his quality of life deteriorated, and his once energetic body gradually became exhausted.

Due to physical pain, he was unable to enjoy the happiness of family, friendship, and love in his later years.

When we were young, we always believed that our bodies were invincible and could be squandered at will. However, as people reach middle age, various physical diseases begin to gradually appear.

If one does not attach importance to health and ignores the warning signals of the body, then in old age, the body will completely collapse.

Neglecting health may make us suffer more in our later years.

Therefore, starting from a young age, it is advisable to focus on exercising and maintaining a good lifestyle habit.

Source: Douban

Having no time to care about family and distant family relationships

The age of 35 is an important milestone, and we are beginning to enter a stage where there are old and young people. At this stage, we need to take on the responsibility of our family and care about their needs and feelings.

But in reality, many people often overlook the importance of family due to their busy work schedules. As time goes by, the connection between us and our family gradually decreases, and our family relationships become increasingly distant.

However, family is the most important support system in our lives. In old age, what we most need is often the companionship and care of our family.

If we don't manage our family well at the age of 30, we may end up in loneliness and helplessness in our later years.

Therefore, when we strive for our career, don't forget to look back at the loved ones around us.

Starting from the age of 35, balance the relationship between work and family, spend more time with family, and enhance family bonds. In this way, in our old age, we can enjoy the warmth and happiness of our family.

Source: Douban

Excessive pursuit of career and loss of meaning in life

In the eyes of many middle-aged people, career is the center of life, and everything can be sacrificed for it.

However, excessive pursuit of career success often leads us to deviate from the essence of life and lose the true meaning of life. When we are striving for our career, it is easy to get lost in the world of material desires, forgetting our inner needs and true values.

As you enter your later years, you will find that the excessive pursuit of the past has not brought the expected sense of satisfaction and happiness. On the contrary, one may also feel empty and lost.

Surrounded by money and material possessions, the spiritual home has become desolate.

Starting from the age of 35, we should examine our own lives and not let our careers become the whole of life. Learn to pay attention to your interests and pursue satisfaction in the spiritual world.

Cultivating personal hobbies or participating in activities outside of busy work can make our lives more diverse and colorful.

At the same time, one should also learn to enjoy the small pleasures of life and make one's life more enjoyable and enjoyable.

Source: Douban

Friends fade away, loneliness rises in my heart

In real life, friends are our spiritual sustenance and important companions on our path of life.

However, as we age, our circle of friends will also constantly change.

After the age of 35, due to increased pressure from work and life, we may not have enough time and energy to maintain relationships with friends. Over time, the connections between friends become distant, and a sense of loneliness arises naturally.

Friends are our precious wealth on the journey of life. In a busy life, don't forget to keep in touch with friends and share the joys and sorrows of life.

Being distant from friends may lead us to feel even more lonely in our later years. So, starting from the age of 35, we should cherish the friends who stayed by our side after the waves washed away.

In this way, in our old age, we can have the warmth and support from friendship.

Source: Douban

Life is like a long run, the track of the first half of life determines the journey of the second half.

If we fail to grasp our direction from the age of 35 and neglect our health, family, career, and friendship needs, then the unfortunate fate of our later years may befall us.

Many unfortunate seeds in life have been quietly planted in their youth, and then bear bitter fruits in their later years.

At the age of 35, it is a crucial turning point. It is advisable to examine one's own life path and heart, and not let the unfortunate shadows of old age hang over our hearts.

From now on, please cherish every moment and feel the beauty of life with your heart.

Author: Claw Brother; Source: Horse Catching World.

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