Liberal arts college, Beijing Union University


Site Name: Liberal arts college, Beijing Union University

Site Description: The School of Applied liberal arts college of Beijing Union University is the predecessor of the First Branch of Peking University (renamed as Peking University Branch in 1983) and the Second Branch of Renmin University of China, which were founded in 1978. In 1985, the two branches were respectively incorporated into Beijing Union University and merged in 1994, establishing the liberal arts college of Beijing Union University. At present, the college has more than 3100 full-time undergraduate and vocational students, mainly cultivating undergraduate students. It also offers graduate education, adult education, and international student education, including multiple disciplines such as literature, science, engineering, history, economics, law, and management.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-27 10:31:00

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