Tianjin Youth Vocational College

Domain: www.tjqnzyxy.cn

Site Name: Tianjin Youth Vocational College

Site Description: Tianjin Youth Vocational College, formerly known as Tianjin Youth League School, has a history of 54 years. In August 1993, Tianjin Youth Vocational and Technical College, an adult university, was established. In March 2001, with the approval of the Tianjin Municipal Government and the registration of the Ministry of Education, Tianjin Youth Vocational College, a vocational college at the vocational college level, was established. After the establishment of the college, through exploration and practice, it was determined to rely on the Communist Youth League organization, fully promote the advantages of the Youth League school, and cultivate higher vocational talents with basic knowledge and abilities in grassroots youth work; Gradually forming the educational philosophy of liberating the mind, seeking truth from facts, running schools in accordance with the law, operating in a standardized manner, being prepared for danger in times of peace, following the laws of vocational education and the market, and building a high-quality vocational college.

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Category: Education and training >> Vocational education/technical secondary school

Index date: 2009-11-26 08:58:00

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