Shanxi University of Finance and Economics


Site Name: Shanxi University of Finance and Economics

Site Description: Shanxi University of Finance and Economics is a multidisciplinary university of finance and economics, with economics and management as its distinctive and advantageous disciplines, and economics, management, and law as its main disciplines. Economics, management, law, humanities, science, engineering, and education are mutually supportive. The school was founded in 1951 and was formerly known as five cadre schools in Shanxi Province, including Bank, Finance, Supply and Marketing Cooperation, Commerce, and Grain. In September 1958, five cadre schools merged to establish Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, which was once under the leadership of Shanxi Province, the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Domestic Trade. In December 1984, Shanxi University of Economics and Management was established under the leadership of Shanxi Province. In October 1997, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics and Shanxi University of Economics and Management merged to form Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, implementing joint construction and management between provinces and departments. In February 2000, a system of co construction between the central and local governments, with local management as the main focus, was implemented.

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Category: social sciences >> economics

Index date: 2009-11-23 10:55:00

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