Shantou University
Site Name: Shantou University
Site Description: Shantou University is a key comprehensive university under the Guangdong Provincial "211 Project" approved by the State Council in 1981. The school is located in the northwest area of the coastal city of Shantou, covering an area of 2038.85 acres and a building area of 448400 square meters. Shantou University has received the full support of renowned patriotic figure and international entrepreneur Mr. Li Ka shing. Mr. Li has donated over 3.3 billion Hong Kong dollars (including direct donations to Cheung Kong Business School) to the university, and has budgeted to donate 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in the next 8 years to support the development of the university and medical school. Moreover, Mr. Li Ka shing has also put a lot of effort into the construction and development of Shantou University, It fully demonstrates Li Ka shing's noble sentiment of "benefiting the mulberry land" and his deep-rooted firm belief in the importance of national education.
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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College
Index date: 2009-11-03 09:02:00
Tag: Shantou University