Speak2me - Tell me - China's largest English speaking community and English learning and exchange platform
Domain: www.speak2me.cn
Site Description: Speak 2me is the world's largest online English speaking learning community, with its unique multimedia English textbooks providing English pronunciation, listening and speaking, grammar, and oral training for a wide range of English learners. An online English course hosted by a senior foreign teacher, an English enthusiast community, English exam guidance, English chatting and making friends, helping English learners quickly improve their English proficiency and grades, especially their oral English proficiency. Suitable for studying abroad or traveling, business, job hunting, school students, and all those interested in learning English.
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Website Data: SEO > www.speak2me.cn Whois > www.speak2me.cn Geographic location
Category: Education and training >> Foreign Language/English/Japanese/French
Index date: 2009-12-23 10:10:00