China Law Network


Site Name: China Law Network

Site Description: China Law Network (www.iolaw. org. cn) is a legal professional website established, constructed, and managed by the Law Research Institute. Its aim is to expand the virtual space for the existence and development of the Law Research Institute and its employees, showcase scientific research achievements, disseminate legal information, provide legal services, conduct online legal education, and guide online legal research and exchange activities. This website provides information from various functional departments and researchers of the Law Research Institute, particularly encouraging researchers to establish personal websites and publish valuable academic information. With the joint efforts of the entire staff, the website is becoming a new space for academic exchange with distinct characteristics of the times, and a new platform for the Law Institute to continue maintaining its academic forefront position. The existing main columns include research topics, theoretical frontiers, hot topics, academic lectures, academic forums, publishing information, international academic exchanges, graduate education, advanced legal education, legal services, and digital libraries.

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Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Chinese law

Index date: 2009-10-12 09:21:00

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