Dali University

Domain: www.dali.edu.cn

Site Name: Dali University

Site Description: Dali College is a provincial comprehensive undergraduate institution with a 30 year history of undergraduate education, specializing in medicine and education, and coordinating the development of disciplines such as medicine, education, literature, science, law, and management. In 1978, in order to address the shortage of health and education talents in border ethnic minority areas, the State Council approved the establishment of undergraduate universities such as Dali Medical College and Dali Normal College. Dali Medical College obtained the right to confer a bachelor's degree in August 1987 and successfully passed the qualification evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the former National Education Commission in 1997. In October 2001, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Dali Medical College and Dali Normal College merged, and Yunnan Radio and Television University Dali Branch and Dali Industrial School merged to form Dali College.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-10 10:55:00

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