Welcome to the Central Conservatory of Music==Please use IE browser to watch the best results

Domain: www.ccom.edu.cn

Site Name: Welcome to the Central Conservatory of Music==Please use IE browser to watch the best results

Site Description: The Central Conservatory of Music was established in 1950, with its predecessor being several distinctive higher music schools and departments from the 1920s to the 1940s. They were the Music Department of Yanjing University established in 1927, the Music Department of the School of Literature and Art of North China University established in 1939, the Nanjing National Conservatory of Music established in 1940, the Music Department of the National Beiping Art College established in 1946, and the Chinese Conservatory of Music in Hong Kong and Shanghai, as well as the Music Department of the Northeast Lu Xun Academy of Literature and Art established in 1948, Its main body is the Nanjing National Conservatory of Music. In 1958, the college was relocated from Tianjin to Beijing, located at the former site of the Qingchun Prince's Mansion in Fuxingmen, Xicheng District, Beijing (the birthplace of Emperor Guangxu). Originally under the Ministry of Culture, it was under the Ministry of Education in 2000. In 1960, it was designated as a national key higher education institution, and in 1999, it was included in the national "211 Project" construction school. It is currently the only national key university and "211 Project" construction school among the national art colleges. Previous deans include Ma Sicong, Zhao Feng, Wu Zuqiang, Yu Runyang, Liu Lin, and the current deans are Wang Cizhao.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-27 09:48:00

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