Beijing Language and Culture University:
Site Name: Beijing Language and Culture University:
Site Description: Beijing Language and Culture University was founded in 1962 as the Higher Preparatory School for Foreign Students. In June 1964, it was approved by the State Council as the Beijing Language and Culture University. In June 1996, it was officially renamed as Beijing Language and Culture University with the approval of the Ministry of Education (formerly the National Education Commission). In July 2002, it was simplified to Beijing Language and Culture University with the approval of the Ministry of Education. She is the only international university in China with the main task of promoting the international use of Chinese and educating foreign students in Chinese and Chinese culture. At the same time, she provides professional education to Chinese students in foreign languages, Chinese language and literature, computer science, information science and finance, accounting, etc., and undertakes the training of Chinese as a foreign language teachers and foreign language training before going abroad.
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Category: Education and training >> Language education
Index date: 2009-11-27 09:36:00
Tag: Beijing Language University