Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication


Site Name: Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

Site Description: The school is a full-time ordinary higher education institution jointly built by the General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China and the Beijing Municipal Government, mainly managed by Beijing. The predecessor was the Printing Department of the Cultural College under the Ministry of Culture in 1958. In 1961, the National College of Higher Education was restructured, abolished the Cultural College, and merged the Printing Department into the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts under the Ministry of Light Industry. In 1978, with the approval of the State Council, the Printing Department of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts was rebuilt into the Beijing Institute of Printing. After more than 50 years of construction, it has now become a regular media higher education institution with coordinated development of multiple disciplines such as engineering, humanities, management, and arts.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-27 09:54:00

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