21st Century Education Network - A large domestic primary and secondary education resource network: college entrance examination/high school entrance examination questions, predictions, courseware, lesson plans, and learning plans

Domain: www.21cnjy.com

Site Name: 21st Century Education Network - A large domestic primary and secondary education resource network: college entrance examination/high school entrance examination questions, predictions, courseware, lesson plans, and learning plans

Site Description: A leading primary and secondary education resource station in the country, providing downloads of various versions of courseware, lesson plans, lesson plans, lesson preparation materials, testing exercises, and other resources for primary, middle, and high schools. The website has abundant resources, strong timeliness, and high quality, making it the best choice for primary and secondary school teachers and students

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Category: Education and training >> Primary/Secondary Education

Index date: 2009-12-28 09:10:00

21st Century Education Network - A large domestic primary and secondary education resource network: college entrance examination/high school entrance examination questions, predictions, courseware, lesson plans, and learning plans thumbnail
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