Shaanxi Court Network


Site Name: Shaanxi Court Network

Site Description: There are currently 121 tertiary courts in Shaanxi Province, with 10 municipal intermediate people's courts and Xi'an Railway Transport Intermediate Court under the jurisdiction of the Provincial High Court. A total of 109 grassroots courts are under the jurisdiction of 11 intermediate courts, and 421 people's courts are dispatched by grassroots people's courts. There are currently 10207 judges and other staff members in the provincial courts, of which 5913 are judges, accounting for 57.93%; 724 legal police officers, 2222 clerks, and 1348 other staff members, accounting for 7.1%, 21.17%, and 13.21% respectively; There are 8241 grassroots courts, accounting for 80.74% of the total number of courts in the province; There are 4692 grassroots court judges, accounting for 79.35% of the total number of judges in the province.

Server IP: sxfy.chinacourt.orgGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Classification by region

Index date: 2010-01-14 09:09:00

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