Baotou Intermediate People's Court


Site Name: Baotou Intermediate People's Court

Site Description: In recent years, the Intermediate People's Court of Baotou City has closely focused on the overall requirements of building an economically strong city, building a harmonious society, and building a "prosperous Baotou, civilized Baotou, ecological Baotou, and safe Baotou", as well as unconventional and leapfrog development ideas. It has proposed handling high-quality cases, creating gold medal judges, enhancing judicial credibility, and improving public satisfaction, striving to create a leapfrog development and build an economically strong city with Baotou City The work philosophy of building a first-class court that is compatible and compatible with a harmonious society is to adhere to daily work standards, focus on breakthroughs in key work, and comprehensively carry out trial work, team building, court reform, and material equipment construction. New progress has been made in all aspects of work.

Server IP: btzy.chinacourt.orgGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Classification by region

Index date: 2010-01-14 08:58:00

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