Star English Learning Network - Building a Mutual Assistance and English Resource Sharing Website for Chinese English Learning
English learning, English listening, CET-4, English learning information center, englishname, englishstory, englishsong, a comprehensive collection of English learning skills.
VOA Special English - English Learning Channel
VOA Special English is a simplified English language used by Voice of America in daily broadcast. The news is read slowly and using a limited wordlist of about 1500 words. VOA Special English is an English program produced by experienced American broadcasters who use clear and accurate pronunciation, simplified vocabulary and grammar to broadcast world news and tell about American humanities, geography, literature, history, and other special topics. It is a classic pure English program popular with English lovers all over the world to learn American English and understand American culture.
Pute English Listening - Famous Free English Learning Website - Sky of English Listening
The classic free English learning website with the best reputation, longest history, and most distinctive features, specializing in English listening training, has been a leader in English learning websites for nearly 10 years. Online repetition, dictation, oral imitation, interpretation training and other new generation learning modules are highly favored by netizens.