baise university


Site Name: baise university

Site Description: Baise College is a full-time undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education, located in the center of Baise City, Guangxi. The college currently has 532 in-service faculty members and 295 full-time teachers. Among them, there are 17 full professors, 97 associate professors, 94 doctoral, master's, and graduate students, and 8 teachers who have studied abroad. Hired 15 renowned guest professors; Hire multiple foreign teachers to teach in the hospital for a long time. The college has achieved outstanding results in teaching and education, with a strong academic atmosphere and abundant academic achievements. In recent years, 9 teachers have won the "Zeng Xianzi Education Fund Award", 12 teachers have been rated as national outstanding teachers, national exemplary individual of "three educations", national exemplary individual in education, and 11 teachers have been rated as outstanding teachers in autonomous regions.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-03 11:26:00

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