• Blood Clots: Don't Panic! Simple Ways to Keep Them Away!

    Blood Clots: Don't Panic! Simple Ways to Keep Them Away!Blood Clots and Diet: The Truth Isn't SimpleSo, does eating garlic and chili peppers really affect blood clots? Actually, they contain some natural ingredients that can help lower cholesterol and reduce platelet aggregation, offering some protection against blood clots. However, food alone cannot determine the formation of blood clots

  • Remember the 'Four' after autumn, keep your blood pressure steady and don't panic!

    In autumn, the weather is gradually getting colder, and it has also entered the high incidence season of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly. When blood vessels contract when cold, they become thinner, causing insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain, which can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
