Sun Yat sen College, University of Electronic Science and Technology


Site Name: Sun Yat sen College, University of Electronic Science and Technology

Site Description: The predecessor of Sun Yat sen College at the University of Electronic Science and Technology was Sun Yat sen College, which was established with the approval of the former National Education Commission in October 1986. In 1995, it was independently established and renamed Zhongshan University, implementing a management system of provincial and municipal co management, with the city as the main body. In October 2002, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Sun Yat sen College of the University of Electronic Science and Technology was established. It was jointly established by the University of Electronic Science and Technology and the People's Government of Zhongshan City, and became an independent college of universities directly under the Ministry of Education. It is one of the executive director units of the China Independent College Collaboration, a vice chairman unit of the National Higher Education Teaching and Research Independent College Special Committee, and a vice chairman unit of the China Independent College Collaboration.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-03 10:14:00

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