Xinyu Vocational College


Site Name: Xinyu Vocational College

Site Description: Xinyu Vocational College is located in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province. Xinyu City is a new industrial city with jurisdiction over "one county and four districts". This land and water once nurtured Lu Zhao, the first champion in Jiangxi history, Wang Qinruo, the first prime minister in Jiangnan, Fu Baoshi, the master of modern Chinese painting, and David Ho, the founder of AIDS cocktail therapy and the famous doctor of medicine. The world science and technology masterpiece of the Ming Dynasty, "Heavenly Works and Creatures," was written here. In 1930, Comrade Mao Zedong presided over the famous "Luofang Conference" here and wrote the glorious work "Xingguo Investigation". At present, Xinyu is one of the cities with the highest level of industrialization in Jiangxi, with an industrial contribution rate of 69.3% to economic growth and an industrialization rate of 56.9%. Two of the three "100 billion yuan" projects established in Jiangxi Province are concentrated in Xinyu, namely the photovoltaic industry with Jiangxi Saiwei as the core and the steel industry with Xinyang as the core, with a main business income of 100 billion yuan.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-07 09:12:00

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