Xi'an Engineering University

Domain: www.xaist.edu.cn

Site Name: Xi'an Engineering University

Site Description: Xi'an University of Engineering was developed from the Northwest Textile Engineering College established in 1978, and its predecessor was the Weaving Department established by Beijing Higher Industrial Specialized School in 1912. Northwest Textile University is affiliated with the former Ministry of Textile Industry and is one of the three major universities directly under the Ministry of Textile Industry (East China Textile University, Tianjin Textile University, and Northwest Textile University). After 95 years of development, the school has now become an ordinary higher education institution with a focus on industry, characteristics of textile and clothing, coordinated development of multiple disciplines, and strong educational strength. In long-term educational practice, more than 50000 senior specialized technical talents have been cultivated, making important contributions to local, industry, and socio-economic development.

Server IP: www.xaist.edu.cnGeographic location

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-21 09:41:00

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