Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Domain: www.wust.edu.cn

Site Name: Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Site Description: Wuhan University of Science and Technology is located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, which is a "thoroughfare of nine provinces". It is a key university jointly built by the central and local governments in Hubei Province. The history of the school's education can be traced back to the Craft School established by Zhang Zhidong, the Governor General of Huguang in the late Qing Dynasty, with the approval of the Qing government in 1898. Later, it underwent the inheritance and development of Hubei Secondary Industrial School, Hubei Grade A Industrial School, Hanyang Senior Industrial Vocational School, Wuchang Senior Industrial School, Zhongnan Iron and Steel Industrial School, and Wuchang Iron and Steel Industrial School. In 1958, it was established as Wuhan Iron and Steel College, offering undergraduate education. In 1995, Wuhan Iron and Steel College, Wuhan Architecture College, and Wuhan Metallurgical Medical College, which were under the former Ministry of Metallurgy, merged to form Wuhan University of Metallurgical Science and Technology. In 1998, according to the needs of the reform of the national higher education management system, the school became the first batch of transferred universities to implement the principle of "co construction between the central and local governments, with Hubei Provincial People's Government as the main management". In 1999, it was renamed Wuhan University of Science and Technology. The school has undergone several renames and relocations, but the iron and steel bond has been inherited and the concept of advocating practicality has been consistently applied, forming a profound cultural heritage, distinct educational characteristics, and outstanding disciplinary advantages.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-17 09:14:00

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