University of Electronic Science and technology


Site Name: University of Electronic Science and technology

Site Description: University of Electronic Science and Technology is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, located in the provincial capital of Sichuan, the "Land of Abundance", and the economic, cultural, and transportation center of Southwest China - Chengdu City. The campus has lush trees, fragrant flowers all year round, and an elegant environment, making it an ideal place for studying and pursuing excellence. The University of Electronic Science and Technology, formerly known as Chengdu College of Telecommunications Engineering, was established in 1956 under the personal deployment of Premier Zhou Enlai, by the merger of electronic information disciplines from Jiaotong University, Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), and South China Institute of Technology (now South China University of Technology). The school was listed as a national key university in 1960; In 1997, it became one of the first batch of key universities under the national "211 Project" construction; In 2001, the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Sichuan Province signed an agreement to jointly build a key University of Electronic Science and Technology. The University entered the ranks of the national "Action Plan for Revitalizing Education in the 21st Century" to build a well-known high-level research university at home and abroad (a key university under the national "Project 985").

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Index date: 2009-11-18 11:18:00

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