Welcome to Shangqiu Normal University

Domain: www.sqnc.edu.cn

Site Name: Welcome to Shangqiu Normal University

Site Description: Shangqiu Normal University is located in the junction of Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, and Anhui provinces, as well as in the hinterland of the Huanghuai Plain, which is a national historical and cultural city and the "capital of Chinese businessmen" - Shangqiu City, Henan Province. Shangqiu has a superior geographical location, adjacent to the coast to the east, the Central Plains to the west, Qilu to the north, and the Jianghuai River to the south. Here, we gather the vastness and vastness of the original nature, the spirit of the birthplace of the Chinese nation's humanities, the beautiful wetland of the Yellow River and the scenery of the National Forest Park. We inherit the rich history of the ancient city of Guide and the Yingtian Academy, with a long history and simple folk customs. Longhai and Beijing Jiulong railways, Lianyungang Huo (Khorgos) and Jinan Guangzhou (Guangzhou) expressways meet here, and national highways 310 and 105 run through the whole territory. It is a golden transportation hub with unique geographical advantages and broad development prospects.

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Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-20 09:18:00

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