Qingdao Qiushi College - Official website of Qingdao Qiushi Vocational and Technical College

Domain: www.qdqs.com

Site Name: Qingdao Qiushi College - Official website of Qingdao Qiushi Vocational and Technical College

Site Description: Qingdao Qiushi Vocational and Technical College, Qingdao Qiushi Vocational and Technical College, Advanced Private Education College, and a specialty in air crew aviation services. Qingdao Qiushi Vocational and Technical College was founded in 1992 and is an ordinary higher education institution approved by the Shandong Provincial People's Government and registered by the Ministry of Education. It is a high starting point, multi-level, multidisciplinary, and comprehensive higher education institution. The college is located in the economically developed international coastal city - Qingdao, adjacent to Jiaozhou Bay, with beautiful scenery and beautiful environment. The college covers a total area of more than 1200 mu and consists of 23 colleges, including information engineering College, Business School, School of Foreign Languages, School of Basic Education, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, School of Architectural Engineering, School of Automotive Engineering, School of Aviation Services, School of Tourism, School of Arts, School of Urban Management, Qingdao University (pilot undergraduate), School of Film and Television, School of Sports, School of Customs Declaration, School of Animation, School of Hotel Management, and School of Oceanography. More than 30 popular majors have been established, including Air Attendant, Tourism Management, Business Korean, Computer Information Management, Preschool Education, and Environmental Art Design. Currently, there are more than 18000 students of all types on campus, and the second phase of the project can accommodate more than 30000 students.

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Category: Education and training >> Vocational education/technical secondary school

Index date: 2009-11-24 10:19:00

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