Luzhou Medical College


Site Name: Luzhou Medical College

Site Description: Luzhou Medical College is a provincial-level higher education institution in Sichuan Province, located in Luzhou City, a national historical and cultural city and a national health city at the junction of Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, and Guizhou. The college was founded in 1951, and its predecessor was Chuannan Medical School in Southwest China. It was upgraded to Luzhou Medical College in 1959 and to a undergraduate institution in 1978, renamed as Luzhou Medical College. In 1982, it was granted the right to confer a bachelor's degree, and in 1993, it was granted the right to confer a master's degree. In 1998, it successfully passed the undergraduate teaching qualification evaluation of the Ministry of Education. In 2003, it was approved to become a postgraduate training unit for clinical medicine professional degree. In 2006, it successfully passed the undergraduate teaching level evaluation of the Ministry of Education and was rated as excellent.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-18 14:51:00

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