lishui university


Site Name: lishui university

Site Description: Lishui College is an ordinary university at the undergraduate level. Its predecessor was the Chuzhou Normal School founded in 1907, which later went from Chuzhou Normal School to Lishui Normal School. In 1977, the Lishui Branch of Zhejiang Normal University was established, and in 1978, it was approved by the State Council to be named Lishui Normal College. The school has undergone several mergers. In August 2000, Zhejiang Minority Normal School was merged into Lishui Normal College. In March 2003, the provincial government approved the merger of Lishui Normal College and Lishui Vocational and Technical College (Lishui Vocational and Technical College was formed by the merger of Lishui Industrial School and Lishui Agricultural School), and based on this, established a undergraduate level Lishui College. The school was upgraded and renamed Lishui College with the approval of the Ministry of Education in May 2004. In March 2007, the Medical School of Lishui College was established based on Lishui Health School. The school mainly undertakes the task of training and delivering various high-level professionals for the economic and social development of Lishui City and Zhejiang Province. It is a civilized unit in Zhejiang Province and a exemplary organization in the construction of national spiritual civilization.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-06 09:13:00

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