Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology
Domain: www.jxstnu.cn
Site Name: Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology
Site Description: Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology is located in Nanchang, a historical and cultural city with the reputation of "abundant resources and outstanding talents". It is one of the first higher vocational and technical normal colleges established in China, a key higher education institution under the construction of the Ministry of Education to cultivate vocational and technical education teachers, and the only multidisciplinary undergraduate college in Jiangxi Province to cultivate vocational education teachers, mainly cultivating vocational teacher qualifications and applied specialized talents. After more than 30 years of construction and development, the school has formed a multi-level and multi-standard educational pattern with undergraduate education as the main body, actively developing graduate education, and coordinating the development of characteristic vocational (vocational) education and continuing education. It has been evaluated as excellent by the Ministry of Education in undergraduate teaching work.
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Category: social sciences >> education
Index date: 2009-11-07 09:04:00