Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College

Domain: www.jlnku.com

Site Name: Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College

Site Description: The school now has 15 teaching colleges (departments), including the College of Animal Science, the College of Animal Medicine, the College of Food Engineering, the College of Plant Science, the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the College of Biological Engineering, the College of Economic Management, the College of information engineering, the College of Mechanical Engineering, the College of Architectural Engineering, the liberal arts college, the College of Foreign Languages, the College of Higher Vocational Technology, the College of Social Sciences, and Sports. There are currently 30 undergraduate majors and 29 specialized majors, covering seven major disciplines: agriculture, science, engineering, economics, management, literature, and education. There are 10706 students on campus, including 23 international students.

Server IP: www.jlnku.comGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > www.jlnku.com Whois > www.jlnku.com Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-30 09:21:00

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