Hangzhou Normal University

Domain: www.hztc.edu.cn

Site Name: Hangzhou Normal University

Site Description: The predecessor of Hangzhou Normal University can be traced back to the Zhejiang Provincial Government Two Level Normal School established in 1908, and was renamed as Zhejiang Provincial First Normal School in 1913. In 1978, Hangzhou Normal University was established with the approval of the State Council. Since 2000, Hangzhou Institute of Education and Hangzhou Medical College have successively merged to form the new Hangzhou Normal University. In 2007, the school was renamed Hangzhou Normal University.

Server IP: www.hztc.edu.cnGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > www.hztc.edu.cn Whois > www.hztc.edu.cn Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-06 09:03:00

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