Hubei University of Economics


Site Name: Hubei University of Economics

Site Description: Hubei University of Economics is a provincial-level regular undergraduate institution established in September 2002 by the merger of Hubei Commercial College, Wuhan Financial College, and Hubei Provincial Planning and Management Cadre College. The school is located in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province, which is the thoroughfare of the nine provinces. It is located by the beautiful Tangxun Lake and covers an area of 1740 acres. The building area of the school building is 620000 square meters, with 16000 students enrolled in regular undergraduate and vocational colleges. The beautiful campus features clear water, distant mountains, refreshing breeze, lush trees, and a pleasant environment, making it an ideal place for studying and pursuing excellence.

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Category: social sciences >> economics

Index date: 2009-11-17 09:40:00

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