Welcome to the website of Guiyang University!

Domain: www.gyu.cn

Site Name: Welcome to the website of Guiyang University!

Site Description: Guiyang University is a regular higher education institution with higher education enrollment qualifications officially approved by the Ministry of Education on May 13, 2004. It is led and managed by Guizhou Province and implements a provincial-city co construction system with Guiyang City as the main focus. The foundation of Guiyang University is Guiyang Normal College and Guiyang Jinzhu University. The two ordinary colleges have a history of 26 and 20 years, respectively, and have formed outstanding educational characteristics. Through adjustment, joint construction, and merger, they complement each other's advantages and are upgraded to a teaching oriented multidisciplinary undergraduate college. It is the only ordinary higher education institution organized by the People's Government of Guiyang City.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-10 08:53:00

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