gannan medical university


Site Name: gannan medical university

Site Description: Gannan Medical College is the only independent regular undergraduate medical college in Jiangxi Province, located in Ganzhou City, a historic and cultural city on the Beijing Kowloon Railway in southern Jiangxi. The school was founded in 1941 and has gone through various periods such as Jiangxi Provincial Ganxian Senior Midwifery Vocational School, Jiangxi Provincial Ganxian Senior Medical Vocational School, Jiangxi Ganzhou Nurse Midwifery School, and Jiangxi Ganzhou Health School; Gannan Medical College was established in August 1958, renamed as Gannan Medical College in May 1959, and restored as Gannan Medical College in August 1962; In April 1988, it was upgraded to Gannan Medical College and began admitting undergraduate students. In 1993, it was granted the right to confer a bachelor's degree. In 1997, it passed the qualification evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the Ministry of Education, and in 2007, it achieved excellent results in the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work level in ordinary higher education institutions. In 2001, he began to jointly cultivate master's students with the School of Medicine of Nanchang University (Jiangxi Medical College), and in 2008, he began to jointly cultivate doctoral students with Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-07 08:51:00

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