Government Offices Administration of the State Council


Site Name: Government Offices Administration of the State Council

Site Description: The Office Affairs Management Bureau of the State Council is a directly affiliated institution of the State Council that manages the affairs of central state organs. It was established in December 1950 and was originally named the Office Affairs Management Bureau of the Central People's Government's Government Council. It has been renamed since 1954. The State Administration has always been responsible for the management of central government funding, finance, official vehicles, state-owned assets, and real estate, as well as the management of designated party and state leaders and related service recipients' daily life services. In 1998, the institutional reform of the State Council transferred the functions of infrastructure investment, official vehicle procurement, and renewal funds for administrative housing managed by the former National Development and Reform Commission to our bureau, and added functions such as organizing and implementing government procurement for central government agencies and managing housing subsidies for central government agencies. In 1999, in order to adapt to the reform of the budget system of the financial department, our bureau correspondingly transformed the budget management function of central state organs' administrative funds. In 2000, it received the state-owned asset property rights registration archives of central administrative institutions managed by the former State owned Assets Administration, and added the function of managing state-owned assets of various departments of central state organs.

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Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Government/National Institutions

Index date: 2010-01-16 09:33:00

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