East China Normal University: Ecnu.Edu.Cn - East China Normal University - Seeking Truth and Creating, Being a Teacher

Domain: www.ecnu.edu.cn

Site Name: East China Normal University: Ecnu.Edu.Cn - East China Normal University - Seeking Truth and Creating, Being a Teacher

Site Description: East China Normal University (ECNU) is one of the first 16 key universities directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (MOE), and has been listed as one of the key universities in the "Project 985" and "211 Project". It is the first socialist normal university in New China established on the original site of Daxia University, based on Daxia University and Guanghua University, and transferred to some departments of Fudan University and Tongji University. In 1959, East China Normal University was identified as one of the first 16 key universities in China. In 1978, it was once again recognized as a national key university and was one of the 33 higher education institutions approved by the State Council to establish graduate schools. In 1996, it passed the preliminary review of the "211 Project" and was included in the list of national key construction universities. In 2006, East China Normal University entered the second phase of the "985 Project" list. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Shanghai City decided to jointly build East China Normal University, taking solid steps on the road to building a world-renowned high-level research university.

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Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-05 09:04:00

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