Dongbei University of Finance and Economics


Site Name: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Site Description: The predecessor of Northeast University of Finance and Economics was Northeast Bank Special School (1946), Northeast Commercial Special School (1949), Northeast Finance Special School (1950), Northeast Planning and Statistics College (1951), and Northeast Cooperative Special School (1951). The school was founded in October 1952 and is located in Shenyang. In 1958, Northeast University of Finance and Economics merged with Shenyang Normal University and Shenyang Russian Vocational School to form Liaoning University. In 1959, the Planning and Statistics Department and Finance and Credit Department of the former Northeast University of Finance and Economics, which were merged with Liaoning University, moved to Dalian and merged with Liaoning Business School located in Dalian to establish Liaoning University of Finance and Economics. In 1979, Liaoning University of Finance and Economics was under the management of the Ministry of Finance, and in 1985 it was renamed Northeast University of Finance and Economics. In 2000, Northeastern University of Finance and Economics was transferred to the management of Liaoning Provincial People's Government by the Ministry of Finance, implementing a management system that was jointly built by the central and local governments, with Liaoning Province as the main management.

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Category: social sciences >> economics

Index date: 2009-11-28 08:54:00

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