China Youth Political College


Site Name: China Youth Political College

Site Description: The China Youth Political College was established in December 1985 on the basis of the Central Youth League School and is the only ordinary higher education institution under the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. After its establishment, the China Youth Political College, along with the Central Youth League School, had two brands and one set of institutions, responsible for the dual functions of regular higher education and training for Communist Youth League cadres. The principal is concurrently held by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, with Feng Wenbin, Hu Yaobang, Han Ying, Wang Zhaoguo, Hu Jintao, Song Defu, Li Keqiang, Zhou Qiang, Hu Chunhua, and Lu Hao serving as principals.

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Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> political science

Index date: 2009-11-27 09:44:00

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