Chengdu information engineering College


Site Name: Chengdu information engineering College

Site Description: Chengdu information engineering College originated from the Meteorological Cadre Training Brigade established in Chengdu by the Air Force Command of the Southwest Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1951. It was restructured into the Chengdu Meteorological Cadre School of the Central Meteorological Administration in 1954, and transformed into a full-time secondary school in 1956, renamed as the Chengdu Meteorological School of the Central Meteorological Administration. In 1978, Chengdu Meteorological School was upgraded to a full-time regular undergraduate higher education institution and named Chengdu Meteorological College. In 1981, the college became one of the first units authorized to confer bachelor's degrees. In 2000, the college was transferred to Sichuan Province to implement the management system of co construction between the central and local governments, focusing on local management, and was renamed as information engineering College. In 2001, the Sichuan Statistical School, which was originally under the jurisdiction of the National Bureau of Statistics, was merged as a whole. In 2003, the college became the authority to confer master's degrees. In 2007, he was awarded the Excellent Evaluation of Undergraduate Teaching Work by the Ministry of Education.

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Category: social sciences >> information management

Index date: 2009-11-18 11:38:00

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