Elf Children's Website

Domain: www.060s.com

Site Name: Elf Children's Website

Site Description: The Little Elf Children's website is a collection of children, young children, infants, preschool children, and infants. The content of this website for quality education includes songs, games, stories, riddles, dances, cartoons, and pictures; The content of life knowledge includes health care, hospitals, naming, naming, supplies, nursing, and recipes; Teaching materials, lesson plans, papers, preschool classes, homeroom teachers, and teaching plans; The learning content includes Chinese, English, mathematics, literature, and in addition, many free interactive content such as forums, photo albums, software downloads, self-service website building, and children's search engines are also provided.

Server IP: location

Website Data: SEO > www.060s.com Whois > www.060s.com Geographic location

Category: Life and Service >> Children/parenting/child education

Index date: 2009-10-30 21:10:00

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