• Home-Shanghai Normal University A key university in Shanghai city, Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) is a comprehensive local university with salient features of teacher training and particular strength in liberal arts. The main undertakings of the university are undergraduate education with the chief aim of producing high level application-oriented talents. Shanghai Normal University

    A key university in Shanghai city, Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) is a comprehensive local university with salient features of teacher training and particular strength in liberal arts. The main undertakings of the university are undergraduate education with the chief aim of producing high level application-oriented talents.

  • baise university

    Baise College is a full-time undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education, located in the center of Baise City, Guangxi. The college currently has 532 in-service faculty members and 295 full-time teachers. Among them, there are 17 full professors, 97 associate professors, 94 doctoral, master's, and graduate students, and 8 teachers who have studied abroad. Hired 15 renowned guest professors; Hire multiple foreign teachers to teach in the hospital for a long time. The college has achieved outstanding results in teaching and education, with a strong academic atmosphere and abundant academic achievements. In recent years, 9 teachers have won the "Zeng Xianzi Education Fund Award", 12 teachers have been rated as national outstanding teachers, national exemplary individual of "three educations", national exemplary individual in education, and 11 teachers have been rated as outstanding teachers in autonomous regions.

  • Guangxi Normal University: Respecting Teachers, Respecting the Way, Engaging in Work, and Enjoying the Group

    Guangxi Normal University was founded in 1932 and is a key university in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is located in the world-renowned landscape tourism city and historical and cultural city of Guilin. The school is one of the three universities in Guangxi with doctoral authorization, with 1 postdoctoral research mobile station, 3 doctoral degree authorization points in secondary disciplines, 5 master's degree authorization points in primary disciplines, 88 master's degree authorization points in secondary disciplines, 5 professional master's degree authorization points, and 49 full-time regular undergraduate majors. The school has three campuses: Wangcheng, Yucai, and Yanshan, with a campus area of 3114.9 acres.

  • Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing University, Guangdong Province

    Zhaoqing College was developed on the basis of the former Xijiang University and the former Zhaoqing Education College. The predecessor of the former Xijiang University was the Zhaoqing Normal School, which was named after the Guangdong Institute of Education Administration in 1970 when it was transferred to Xinxing County, Zhaoqing Prefecture for education. In 1977, with the approval of the State Council, it was renamed as Zhaoqing Normal College. In 1979, it was relocated to its current location for education. In 1985, the People's Government of Guangdong Province requested the National Education Commission to register and establish Xijiang University on the basis of Zhaoqing Teachers' College. The predecessor of the former Zhaoqing Education College was the Zhaoqing Regional Normal School established in 1977. It was renamed as the Zhaoqing Regional Teacher Training College in 1980 and the Zhaoqing Education College in 1983.

  • Guangdong University of Business

    Guangdong University of Business

  • Private Hualian University

    Private Hualian College was founded in 1990. In 1994, approved by the Guangdong Provincial Government and registered with the national education department, it became a provincial-level ordinary higher education institution with qualifications for academic education enrollment. In the same year, it participated in the national college entrance examination for unified enrollment. Private Hualian College and public ordinary universities enjoy equal treatment in terms of enrollment qualifications, student loans for impoverished students, national scholarships for outstanding students, and academic recognition. Graduates' academic diplomas are uniformly printed, numbered, and registered electronically by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

  • Guangdong Medical College

    Guangdong Medical College was founded in 1958, with its predecessor being the Zhanjiang Branch of Zhongshan Medical College. In 1964, with the approval of the State Council, it was renamed as Zhanjiang Medical College. In 1992, it was renamed Guangdong Medical College. Starting from the "Eighth Five Year Plan", it has been included in the list of key construction universities in the province for three consecutive five years. In 1991, it won the first prize in the evaluation of educational level in Guangdong Province, and in 2005, it was rated as an excellent undergraduate teaching institution by the Ministry of Education. It has now become an important base for cultivating high-quality medical professionals in Guangdong Province.

  • Shantou University

    Shantou University is a key comprehensive university under the Guangdong Provincial "211 Project" approved by the State Council in 1981. The school is located in the northwest area of the coastal city of Shantou, covering an area of 2038.85 acres and a building area of 448400 square meters. Shantou University has received the full support of renowned patriotic figure and international entrepreneur Mr. Li Ka shing. Mr. Li has donated over 3.3 billion Hong Kong dollars (including direct donations to Cheung Kong Business School) to the university, and has budgeted to donate 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in the next 8 years to support the development of the university and medical school. Moreover, Mr. Li Ka shing has also put a lot of effort into the construction and development of Shantou University, It fully demonstrates Li Ka shing's noble sentiment of "benefiting the mulberry land" and his deep-rooted firm belief in the importance of national education.

  • National Chung Cheng University

    National Chung Cheng University

  • National Sun Yat sen University

    National Sun Yat sen University

  • National Cheng Kung University

    General Network of Chenggong University