These so-called "stomach nourishing methods" may be hurting the stomach!

The stomach is uncomfortable, can eating baked Mantou slice relieve it? Can eating two pieces of baked Mantou every day save the stomach?Recently, a netizen shared that his spleen and stomach were weak and cold, and his stomach still turned sour. He lost more than ten jin in a month

The stomach is uncomfortable, can eating baked Mantou slice relieve it? Can eating two pieces of baked Mantou every day save the stomach?

Recently, a netizen shared that his spleen and stomach were weak and cold, and his stomach still turned sour. He lost more than ten jin in a month. He felt bloated after eating a little every meal. He went to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and suggested that he often eat some baked Mantou slices. After eating for half a month, he did not expect it to have any effect. Now he does not feel sour, and a lot of things can be eaten.

Zhao Li, the attending physician of the Department of Preventive Medicine of Baoji Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shaanxi, introduced in an article published on the official account of the hospital in 2023 that baking Mantou slices is an ancient food therapy method. With flour as the main raw material, during the baking process, the molecular chain of starch in flour will break into "fragments", that is, become dextrin under the high temperature of 180-200 degrees. Easy to digest, it can neutralize stomach acid, protect the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal tract.

So, can drinking Congee, eating noodles, and eating soda biscuits nourish the stomach?

These so-called "stomach nourishing methods"

May be causing stomach damage

Some of the "stomach nourishing methods" you think may not nourish the stomach, and long-term consumption like this may also harm the stomach.

1. Can porridge and noodles nourish the stomach?

Meng Yiteng, the chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Shenzhen People's Hospital in Guangdong Province, said in an article published on the official account of his hospital in 2023 that the porridge and noodles are mainly composed of carbohydrates and water, which are easy to digest, but the nutrition is simple, and the nutrients such as dietary fiber, B vitamins and minerals are insufficient. Long term consumption is not conducive to gastric health and does not have the effect of nourishing the stomach

Can drinking some thick soup nourish the stomach?

Wu Yan, the chief technician of the Clinical Nutrition Department at Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital in Hubei Province, stated in a 2019 article in Health Times that the fat content in simmering soup is not low, and white thick soup has more fat. For some people with weaker gastrointestinal tract, excessive fat can actually lead to gastrointestinal discomfort

3. Can millet porridge nourish the stomach?

4. Drinking hot water can nourish the stomach?

Drinking overheated water can cause irritation to the oral cavity, throat, esophagus, and gastric mucosa. If drinking hot water for a long time, it may also cause decreased taste or abnormalities, as well as gastrointestinal dysfunction. It is recommended to drink warm water after cooling appropriately

Can drinking hot ginger tea nourish the stomach?

Drinking ginger soup occasionally can indeed warm the stomach and stop vomiting, but it should not be used for a long time. Because ginger is a stimulating food, drinking a large amount of ginger water in patients with stomach diseases can stimulate the gastric mucosa, secrete excessive stomach acid, and worsen stomach discomfort

6. Drinking hot milk to nourish the stomach?

Drinking a cup of hot milk can often alleviate symptoms of gastric acid bloating in patients with stomach diseases. But drinking milk regularly may not be beneficial for patients with stomach diseases. Especially for patients with gastric ulcers who undergo acid fast treatment, it is not advisable to drink milk for a long time, as this can affect the treatment effect and even worsen the damage to the gastric mucosa

7. Eating soda crackers to nourish the stomach?

Soda crackers contain alkaline sodium bicarbonate, which can neutralize excess gastric acid secretion and alleviate heartburn symptoms caused by excessive gastric acid secretion. But in fact, it has no substantial effect on protecting the stomach

8. Eating more vegetables can nourish the stomach?

After eating too much fish and meat, a short period of vegetarianism can help reduce the burden on the stomach. But if one is a vegetarian for a long time, it is easy for the general population to mix unevenly, resulting in malnutrition and actually detrimental to the stomach

A truly effective method for nourishing the stomach

It's these

1. Eat less sticky food

Doctor Meng Yiteng said that people should eat less food that is difficult to digest, such as sticky bean buns and Zongzi. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid stimulating foods that are too sour, too spicy, too fragrant, too salty, and too hot

2. Eat less food that is prone to bloating

For example, foods such as sweet potatoes and purple potatoes, as well as strong coffee, alcohol, sugary beverages, gas producing beverages (such as cola), strong tea, etc

3. Eat regularly and slowly

Developing a good habit of regularly and quantitatively eating is beneficial for preventing the occurrence of chronic stomach diseases. Chew and swallow slowly, preferably exceeding 15 minutes per meal

4. Eat a little of all kinds of food

Except for some special circumstances, such as acute onset of stomach disease, incomplete improvement of stomach disease symptoms, or presence of food allergies or food intolerance, healthy individuals who want to have a healthy stomach must eat grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, nuts, and beans

5. Do not drink a large amount of water before or after meals

Drinking a large amount of water before and after meals can dilute gastric juice, dilute gastric acid, and greatly reduce the chemical digestion of the stomach and the bactericidal effect of gastric acid

6. Maintain a pleasant mood

Human emotions are closely related to gastric acid secretion and the digestive function of the stomach. When eating, it is important to maintain mental relaxation and a happy mood

7. Exercise regularly

Moderate exercise can help improve physical fitness and enhance the immune function of the stomach. However, vigorous activities should not be carried out immediately after meals. It is recommended to exercise one hour after eating

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Source: Health Times

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